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Travel Through Our Galaxy and Beyond

Contact Concierge

The Experience

As darkness cloaks the land below, marvel at the stars above from Primland Resort's fully-equipped observatory. Taking exploring the Blue Ridge Mountains to a whole new level, Primland’s altitude and the unusual clarity of the night sky mean that you can study the stars, planets, nebulae, and other celestial objects without the dulling effects of ambient light. With Celestron CGE Pro 1400 and CPC 800 telescopes, enjoy extraordinary glimpses of the heavens and our solar system year round.

  • Year-round, weather dependent
  • March-August | Daily at 9:30 & 10:30PM
  • September-February | Daily at 8:30 & 9:30PM
  • $60 per person, inclusive of service charge
  • Reserve by emailing

April 29-30 | Special Programming

Enjoy these unique experiences in place of our regular stargazing experience.

Meet our astronomers on the lawn at dusk to experience the unique celestial phenomenon of Earthshine, also known as The Da Vinci Glow. Guests will learn about this unique event that is best observed in the springtime, observe the waxing crescent moon using our telescopes, followed by a twilight tour of the evening spring sky.

Learn all about the constellations that grace the spring sky and use our telescope to observe Mars, Jupiter and the waxing crescent moon before it sets below the horizon.

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