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Workshops and Retreats

Woman holding yoga pose
Woman doing yoga by a sculpture at Stanly Ranch

Experience our signature wellness retreats at Halehouse Wellbeing Center, dedicated to movement, relaxation and recovery. Discover engaging workshops and educational retreats that reset your physical and mental health. These restorative programs and classes provide a targeted focus on a variety of health and wellness topics, including nutrition, sleep, hydration and mindfulness.

Upcoming Events

One-Day Retreat: The Athlete in You

Take training and recovery to a new level alongside professional swimmers, dancers, cyclists and runners. Featuring behind-the-scenes insights from Olympic gold medalists, NFL cheerleaders, decorated cyclists and more, this intimate retreat is designed to...
  • Saturday, March 1st from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • Full day rate: $290 per person (includes lunch)

  • Half day rate: $150 per person (morning and afternoon sessions available)

  • Register by February 1st to receive early bird pricing of $250 per person

  • Space is limited

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Available weekly on saturdays | 9:00am to 11:00am Nutrition Injection Clinic

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