Legendary Coast Adventures The Ultimate Itineraries

Find Your Perfect Itinerary
Make the most of every moment at Mauna Lani with these curated sample itineraries that are fully customizable to your preferences. Speak with one of our itinerary pre-arrival agents at 855.267.0516.
Connect with your soulmate at one of Condé Nast Traveler’s most romantic getaways in the U.S. Beaming with spirit, Mauna Lani enjoys 3,200 oceanfront acres of idyllic beaches, sacred fishponds and sprawling lava fields that have stood the test of time.
Discover new ways to spend time together with interludes and experiences for all ages, and exclusive family-focused experiences to savor time like never before with those you love most.
Among Travel + Leisure’s 20 Best Resorts in Hawaii, Mauna Lani - meaning “mountain reaching heaven” - holds the key to untapped adventure. Connect with this legendary coastline, learn the stories of icons who once frequented Kalāhuipua’a and eat your way through Hawai’i Island’s multicultural food scene.