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Shop for one-of-a-kind local handicrafts


The Experience

Shopping around Arusha is a rich cultural experience in and of itself. Head to the Maasai market to weave through small stalls of local arts and crafts, organic cotton fabrics and leather. (Tip: Prepare to barter until both you and the vendor are happy with the price.) At the impressive Cultural Heritage Centre, you will find genuine antiques and African artwork, as well as an outstanding selection of gemstones, including our legendary tanzanite. Shanga has a heartwarming mission, dedicated to empowering disabled community members. Each of it its unique handmade items, from jewelry to kitchenware, are also made from recycled materials. If you don’t feel like venturing from the Lodge, our very own boutique offers branded clothing and bags, high-end modern Maasai art jewelry, and our very own coffee from the estate for a wonderful reminder of your safari journey once home.

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